Tuesday 26 March 2013

Saul Kaplan on manufacturing vs services

Finally somebody who understands that the manufacturing versus services debate on innovation is useless. There is a lot of attention about reindustrialising our developed countries: USA and EU. Both talk about again increasing the share of manufacturing in their territories through advanced and modern manufacturing. Kaplan is one of the few who first understands that the distinction is becoming harder to make, not to say almost obsolete. Second, he obviously understands that when you talk about the future of manufacturing you also need to discuss 3-D printing. Unfortunately I have been to conference about the future of manufacturing with high level EU policy makers who failed to mention 3-D printing. Read the article by Kaplan here

Monday 4 March 2013

Two Times Clayton Christensen

Speech on the Innovator's Dilemma Interview with by Mark Suster with Clayton Christensen about about a variety of topics: Link to a written summary by Mark Suster of the last interview