Monday, 17 January 2011

R&D is not innovation

Somehow, you would expect that people would understand the difference between R&D and innovation. Unfortunately these terms have been used so often together that people started to believe that innovation is the consequence of R&D. Although there might sometimes be a link between the two (just as there is a link between number of smart employees and innovation and many other factors), does not mean you can equal these terms.

What the statistics in the (Dutch) article actually say is that Finland, Japan and Sweden spent a lot of money on R&D. It does not say what the outcome of this spending is. As Swedish experts in innovation from INNOVA have indicated themselves is that all this high spending on R&D has not lead to economic growth or an increase of number of jobs. Probably it just indicates the importance of R&D intensive industries like automotive and ICT for these three top countries. These industries use heavy investments in R&D to innovate on their hardware and processes. Other industries innovate using another strategies that don't consist of heavy R&D spending.

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